jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

R. Whiteread

 Rachel Whiteread, Untitled (Paperbacks), 1997

  Rachel Whiteread, Ghost, 2001

  Rachel Whiteread, Water Tower, 2001

 11.2  "I was trying to find somewhere where the old and the new worked together, and I was thinking about what it is that really makes something a presence among all the greyness – and that turned out to be gold leaf."

12. A. Gilmore 

Mapa General


COOKE, Rachel. Rachel Whiteread:"I couldn't say no. It felt right to do this one". 07/07/2012. [11/01/2013]. Online in: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/jul/07/rachel-whiteread-whitechapel-art-interview

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