jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

J. Turrell

 James Turrell, Gard Blue, 1968-2002

 James Turrell, Blue corner projectión, 1968-2002

 James Turrell, Green corner projection, 1968-2002

11.3 “This is a gentle reminder that because we give the sky its color and can then change the color of the sky, we create the reality in which we live. The light that we make is something that changes the reality of how we perceive the sky. We do create the world in which we live to a much larger extent than we are willing to take responsibility for.”

12. A. Gilmore 

Mapa General


B.J. Almond. Sneak preview for Rice community planned for May 5. 04/05/2012. [11/01/2013]. Online in: http://skyspace.rice.edu/news/2012/james-turrell-skyspace-open-public-june-14/

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